Title: Bursar Department: Business and Finance Office Reports To: Associate Vice President of Finance and Controller Internal Contacts: Students, Registrar, Financial Aid, Student Affairs, IT, Faculty External Contacts: Parents, Vendors Employment Status: Full-Time, Exempt Salary Range: $105,000 – $112,000
Manhattan School of Music is deeply committed to excellence in education, performance, and creative activity; to the humanity of the School’s environment; and to the cultural enrichment of the larger community. A premier international conservatory, MSM inspires and empowers highly talented individuals to realize their potential. The Bursar’s Office is seeking a highly motivated and skilled individual with excellent customer service and technology skills and federal Title IV compliance knowledge to fill the full-time Bursar position.
Send letter of application and résumé including three references to: Email: recruitfin@msmnyc.edu Subject Line: “Bursar”
No phone calls, please.
Equal employment and equal educational opportunity have been and will continue to be fundamental principles at Manhattan School of Music, where employment and enrollment are based upon personal capabilities and qualifications without discrimination or harassment because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, the status of being transgender, age, national origin, marital status, citizenship or veteran status, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law. Manhattan School of Music does not permit retaliation against individuals who oppose a discriminatory practice or participate in an investigation.
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