STARBLASTERS reading recorded May 2021
Jaki Bradley, Director Banji Aborisade, Choreographer David Gardos, Music Director Benjamin Velez, Music and Lyrics Katie Hathaway, Book
What does it mean to be turning 30 and living with your parents? Starblasters is about a generation raised to believe in opportunity only to come of age in a post-recession America where financial security has never been less certain and childhood dreams feel beyond reach. Our characters have spent the ten years since high school hiding behind the nostalgic specter of their youths by working at the local run-down theme park. But with the park’s closure looming, five friends must face the future head on, or face the prospect of a life dependent on their parents, chained to a dead-end job, losing their ability to dream.
As part of our digital production of Starblasters, the cast and creative team collaborated on a series of short videos and TikToks inspired by the characters, world, and themes of the musical.
Watch the TikTok collage here
We hope you enjoy this music video of “Rig the Game”, the Act 1 finale from Starblasters. This video was filmed in collaboration with a professional film crew at Sakura Park, across the street from MSM’s campus.
Watch the music video here
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