
Dana Calvey

College Faculty
Skills: Alexander Technique

Dana Calvey has worked as a teacher of The Alexander Technique, physical coordination, and embodiment for 15+ years.  Having trained in group Alexander Technique teaching and taught 1,200+ students, she brings a practical perspective of The Alexander Technique to groups of adult performers.  She has spent ten years working in college institutions and adult group class settings, including at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, T. Schreiber Studio The Barrow Group, as well as Interlochen’s School for the Arts Summer program.  She has presented at conferences and led masterclasses at Yale School of Sacred Music, Stonybrook College, the Shakespeare Theater of New Jersey, New Jersey Music Educators.  She’s taught week-long intensives in California, Wisconsin and Florida, and also maintains a private teaching practie in New York City.  Along with the Alexander Technique, Dana uses Laban movement efforts, animal work, tai chi principles, and Barteniff fundamentals to inform her teaching. 

Dana has also spent ten years of her career training teachers of the Alexander Technique in Philadelphia, Minneapolis, and New York City.  Dana is certified by both Alexander Technique International as well as American Society for the Alexander Technique.

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