Precollege Faculty:Opera Workshop
Performer and pedagogue LeAnn Overton currently serves on the faculties of Manhattan School of Music and the John J. Cali School of Music at Montclair State University. Ms. Overton has taught on the faculties of Long Island University (C. W. Post campus), Carnegie Mellon University, Chautauqua Voice School, New York Actor’s Studio, and Mannes College The New School of Music. She has been music director/vocal coach for summer festivals and opera companies including Oberlin in Italy, Midsummer Music Festival in Canada, Vocal Arts Symposium of Colorado Springs, Opera Theater and Music Festival of Lucca, Italy in association with Cincinnati Conservatory, Cincinnati Opera, and Tulsa Opera.
Since 2000 Ms. Overton has enjoyed collaborating with stage director Gordon Ostrowski, Assistant Dean of Opera Studies and Production at Manhattan School of Music. She has served as his music director for the Precollege Opera Scenes, community outreach productions, and Opera Theatre Scenes and song recitals for juniors and sophomores. As Adjunct Professor at Montclair State, she has designed and directs an opera workshop course aimed at the specific needs of the undergraduate vocal major. In addition to directing the workshop, she retains her position of music director. She made her opera scenes conducting debut in fall 2010 for director Jan Prokop at the Kasser Theater on the Montclair campus.
In 2014 Ms. Overton established “Respiro Opera, NYC,” a program built on the basics of singing: breath (yoga), body alignment (Alexander Technique and body mapping), text study, and musical style. An enthusiastic proponent of the Alexander Technique, Ms. Overton continues her collaboration with AT instructor Bill Connington, author of Physical Expression on Stage and Screen: Using the Alexander Technique to Create Unforgettable Performances.
Ms. Overton earned her Master of Music degree in vocal coaching/accompanying at the University of Illinois with accompanist John Wustman. She has been a member of the Manhattan School of Music Precollege faculty since 2003 and a surtitle caller at the Metropolitan Opera since 2000.
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