How to pay your Precollege bill, avoid late fees, get a MSM ID card, and much more.
10 AM – 4 PM
Rooms: A-440 and A-441
Tel: 917.493.4467 or 917.493.4785
Saturday Office Hours
Parents of Precollege students are also encouraged to contact the Student Accounts Office during regular College hours.
December 6, 2024— Spring invoices and payment plan information available for the parents of all confirmed students on the student portal. This includes detailed information about your charges, required documents and payments will be sent to the student’s MSM email address.
January 1, 2025— Deadline for Spring semester payment: All tuition and other charges not covered by scholarships, or a finalized payment plan are due to the Student Accounts Office along with supporting documents.
Please complete and return the Precollege Student Financial Responsibility Agreement to the Student Accounts Office.
Please Note: Deadline for Spring semester payment: January 1, 2025
Parents may pay their child’s tuition in full or enter a payment plan through TRANSACT. If neither option is chosen by January 1, 2024, you will be subject to a nonrefundable late charge of $100.
Deadline: Remit full payment so that the student’s account balance (net of approved scholarship) is zero by August 28, 2024, for the Fall 2024 semester. Fall 2024 invoices are available on the MSM Student Portal as of August 8, 2024. Detailed information about your charges, required documents and payments will be sent to your MSM student email address at that time.
Fall 2024 invoices are available on the MSM Student Portal as of August 8, 2024. Detailed information about your charges, required documents and payments will be sent to your MSM student email address at that time.
Please complete and return to the Student Accounts Office by email the Precollege Student Financial Responsibility Agreement that will be emailed to you.
The Student Accounts Office reserves the right to assess late fees to all accounts that have not been paid by the due date. Please note that non-receipt of an invoice does not constitute an exception to the late fee policy. The Student Accounts Office will generate Fall semester invoices in July and the Spring semester invoices in December for Precollege students. These will be available online at the MSM Student portal allowing sufficient time to make payment arrangements.
Should accounts become excessively overdue, it is the policy of Manhattan School of Music to place the account on hold. This hold will prevent you from registering for the upcoming semester, viewing your grades, receiving a copy of your transcript or your diploma. Please contact the Student Accounts Office immediately should circumstances arise to interfere with tuition payments to the School.
Timely receipt of payment is considered to be:
Precollege parents who have any questions about Financial Aid should contact the Precollege Office at 917-493-4999.
If it is necessary for a student to withdraw completely from the Precollege Division or from an individual course carrying an additional charge, the Precollege Administration must be notified by e-mail to The date on which the e-mail is received will determine the withdrawal date and how the student’s accounts will be pro-rated. Once the adjustment is made on the student’s account, a refund will be processed payable to the parent on record. The refund will be mailed to the most current address given to the Precollege Division. After the first day of classes, refunds may be reduced by pro-rated charges according to the section below.
Requests for Leave of Absences or withdrawals must be made via e-mail to The date on which the e-mail is received will determine the withdrawal date and how the student’s account will be pro-rated. Students withdrawing after the first day of classes will be responsible to pay for fees and a portion of the tuition. Students with financial aid will receive a percentage of their allocated scholarship according to their withdrawal date. The tuition and scholarship will be pro-rated based on the following schedule:
Pro-ration Schedule:
% of Charges Responsible by Date
(Week 1&2): 20% (Week 3): 30% (Week 4): 40% (Week 5): 50% (Week 6): 60% (Week 7): 70%
on or after Week 7: 100%
2025 Spring Semester % of Charges Responsible
1/18-1/24 – 20% /25-1/31 – 20% 2/1 – 2/7 – 30% 2/8 – 2/21 – 40% 2/22-2/28 – 50%
Note: The above dates are subject to changes due to inclement weather or other conditions that cause unexpected school closures.
No refunds will be made after the seventh week. The $100 required Reservation Deposit is nonrefundable and nontransferable. Late Fees are not refundable after classes begin.
Students can add funds to their Meal Plan by scanning the QR code and following instructions on the Student Portal.
Meal plan balances are carried over every semester. Precollege Meal Plan does not expire; however, balances are forfeited once the student leaves the Precollege program.
To add more money towards your meal plan account, please follow the steps below:
Registration Instructions
With your Post ID Card handy, please visit On the right-hand side of the webpage, click the “Register Now” button to start the registration process.
Cardholder Registration Page:
Create User Profile Page: Complete the form as follows:
Cardholder Terms & Conditions Page: Upon review:
Registration & Card Activation Successful Confirmation Page: Congratulations! You have successfully registered your account. To access your account, click on “Click Here” to return to the login page and enter the username and password you just established.
If you are unable to successfully register, please contact the MSM Administrative Offices at 917-493-4467 or for assistance.
Add Value to Your Account:
Once your card is registered, you can add value by logging into the account portal or using the quick add value feature.
To add value by logging into your account:
Please visit, on the left-hand side of the screen, please enter your username and password that was previously created when you registered your card.
-Once in the account, please click on “add value” on the left-hand side bar
Step 1: Payment Amount
-Please enter the amount you would like to add to the account
Step 2: Payment Method
-Please enter your credit/debit card information along with your primary contact information and click “next step”
Step 3: Confirmation
-Please write down confirmation code that appears on the screen
Congrats! You have successfully added value to your meal plan account.
If you would like to check the new balance of the account, please click the “account summary” button located on the left-hand side of the account portal.
If you are in a hurry and need to add value quickly, you have the option to use the quick add value feature.
Add Value by using the Quick Add Value feature:
Please visit, click on the “Quick Add Value” button in the middle of the webpage.
-On this webpage, in the center of the screen, please enter the cardholders’ last name and student ID number
On the next screen, please click “YES” to ensure you would like to add money to this account.
The next screen you arrive at is the payment screen, please follow the directions as you would if you had registered your card.
Congrats! You have successfully added value to your account.
If you have any questions about adding value to the card, please contact the MSM Administrative Offices at 917-493-4597 or for assistance.
Please note: a minimum of $50.00 is required to add funds to your meal plan.
The Precollege Office distributes validation stickers to students each semester once tuition payment has been confirmed. You must have a valid ID and sticker to gain entrance to the main building and to have borrowing rights to the library. Please report a missing or lost ID card as soon as possible. If you lose or damage your ID card there is a $30.00 replacement fee, payable in cash or by credit/debit card, to the Business Office.
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