Information on the services provided to students in residence at Manhattan School of Music. Be sure to read through this list carefully!
MSM provides satellite TV service for residents in the Andersen Hall common lounges on the 6th, 15th, 16th, and 17th floors.
Common areas and bathrooms are cleaned twice every weekday. Individual resident rooms are not cleaned while they are occupied; students are responsible for cleaning their personal living spaces. Our Custodial Team will ensure that rooms are “broom clean” once a room has been completely vacated before new residents move in. Our custodians are also responsible for the removal of trash and recycling from the Trash rooms – but as a resident you are responsible for getting your trash to the trash room.
Residents are responsible for using the bathroom facilities in a responsible manner. If residents or guests create a mess in the bathroom or in any area in the residence hall, it is the residents’ responsibility to take care of the situation and leave the bathroom clean for others (this applies to all spills, food in sinks, etc.).
Evacuation Procedure
If you are asked to evacuate the building, stay calm and follow the instructions of security, residence life staff, facilities staff, and/or emergency officials. Evacuation procedures are posted on the back of each room door.
To Report a Fire
In the event of fire, stay calm. Notify the fire department and follow the directions of fire department personnel. If you must take immediate action, use your judgment as to the safest courses of action, guided by the following information. Andersen Hall is a noncombustible (fireproof) building. In the event of a fire, follow the instructions on the back of your residence hall door.
To Report a Medical or Psychological Emergency
In the event of a medical or psychological emergency, contact a residence life staff person immediately. To call an RA, please call 917-376-2418 or 917-683-7864. If a staff member is unavailable, immediately call security from within the building at ext. 4700 or at 917-493-4700. Emergency services can be contacted for major emergencies at 911. Please follow up with the Office of Residence Life after all emergencies.
To Report a Facilities Emergency
In the event of a facilities emergency (i.e. leaking ceiling, overflowing toilet, power outage, lock problems, elevator issues, or dangerous conditions), contact a Residence Life staff person immediately. If you cannot quickly locate a Residence Life staff member, contact security from within the building at ext. 4700 or at 917-493-4700. They will contact the appropriate Facilities Staff member.
To Report a Safety and/or Security Emergency
In the event of a safety and/or security emergency, contact a Residence Life staff person on duty or security from within the building at ext. 4700 or at 917-493-4700.
The exercise room is located in the basement, and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all residents of Andersen Hall. Equipment use should be limited to 30 minutes if there are others waiting to use the equipment. Proper exercise gear must be worn while using the exercise room (e.g., sneakers, socks, shirts, etc.). All residents are expected to be respectful of others and keep the area clean. Please bring a towel to wipe off all equipment after use. Please see the rules, regulations, release form, and hours posted. Please report any issues to the Office of Residence Life.
Repairs When a student living space is in need of attention or repair by the Facilities staff, the student must complete an online work request via the Office of Residence Life website, found on the MSM student site. If necessary repairs are not reported by the student during the academic year and are NOT noted on the RCR form, the student occupant(s) are held financially responsible for the repair. Emergency situations may be called in directly to Facilities during weekday business hours and to security for emergencies after 5pm on weekdays or weekends/holidays. Facilities emergencies include but are not limited to flooding, smell of gas, leaks, and power outages. Facilities staff will enter student rooms to complete work requests. If there is an emergency that warrants immediate attention, the staff may enter at any time they become aware of the situation. Students may not refuse access to a Facilities staff member or attempt to re-schedule work. Facilities staff will not complete requests to adjust or move furniture.
If stuck in an elevator, do not pry open the door or place items in the door track to hold it open. An emergency phone or intercom is available within the elevator to contact help.
Lockouts & Lost Keys
Students who lose their keys should contact the Office of Residence Life for replacement keys. If a student is locked out of their room, they can call the RA on Duty or visit the Residence Life Offices on the 6th floor. A Residence Life staff member will let them back into their room.
Access Cards
All students are issued a key and MSM ID/access card to the residence hall. Students are required to carry their key and MSM ID/access card with them at all times. Residents may not duplicate their keys, access cards, or identification cards for any reason. Students found in violation will be subject to judicial action including possible loss of residency.
Lost or misplaced MSM ID cards must be reported. Each student is permitted one free replacement of an MSM ID/access card in the space of a degree program; subsequent replacements will be billed $40 regardless of the reason for replacement.
Access to the kitchen facility on the sixth floor is available for all Andersen Hall residents. The lounge kitchen is equipped with a microwave and a sink. Residents are responsible for making sure that the kitchen is left clean and safe. Dirty dishes must be washed immediately after use and should not be left in the sink or in the kitchen area. Hours of availability may be limited as needed.
There are credit card-operated washers and dryers located in the basement. The cost of laundry is $1.50 to wash and $1.75 to dry. If you experience issues with a laundry machine please note the unit number and contact a Residence Life staff member.
In consideration of other students, laundry should be taken out of the machines as soon as the cycle is complete. Do not use washing machines for dyeing clothes. Please do not remove laundry carts from the laundry room. Laundry that is left behind in excess of one week will be subject to removal or donation.
All lost items should be reported and all found items turned in to the Office of Facilities. You may bring or look for items at the Facilities Office located in the Main school building. Additionally, you may report lost or found items via an online form, found here.
Mail is delivered to 136 Claremont Avenue Monday through Saturday. The mail is sorted each day by the Andersen Hall Office of Residence Life staff. The Residence Life staff assigns the mailboxes, reports broken or damaged mailboxes, and is responsible for routing mail that arrives at the hall. Problems with mailbox keys, mailboxes, or mail should be reported to the Office of Residence Life. The mail system may be used for legal purposes only, crime committed through mail or Internet is a serious offense of School policy and local state or federal laws. Anyone using the mail to violate any School policy or any local, state, or federal law may face serious judicial and legal processes. Mail should be addressed as follows:
YOUR NAME 136 Claremont Avenue, Room #____ New York, NY 10027-4631
Please be sure to include your room number when giving out your address.
When moving out of the residence hall, it is the resident’s responsibility to promptly change his/her address with those from whom s/he expects to receive mail (e.g., families, friends, banks, credit card companies, and magazine subscriptions). The United States Postal Service does not provide mail forwarding service for Andersen Hall. If you leave your forwarding address with a Residence Life staff upon your departure, the Office of Residence Life will forward your first-class mail for 60 days. After that, all mail will be returned to sender.
Security officers are stationed at the front desk of the Andersen Residence Hall at 136 Claremont Avenue. They are present 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The phone number for security in the residence hall is 917-493-4700.
Entrance into the building is regulated by Security and an access card system. The MSM ID/access card with resident sticker will act as the identification card for Andersen Hall. The ID card must be presented to security or other officials upon entry to Andersen Hall and must be carried at all times. Students must show their MSM ID/access card at any time upon request to Security, MSM staff, or their designees. Please show the card even if security is familiar with you.
The security staff is here for your safety and assistance. They may detect, deter, and apprehend any individual or group whose conduct is inappropriate and/or in violation of any laws or Manhattan School of Music policies or procedures. When necessary, Security has the right to refuse entry to any person who poses a threat to the community.
Your respect for them as individuals and your cooperation with them in the performance of their responsibilities will help make the Manhattan School of Music residence hall a more secure environment for all of us. The security staff wants to work with you on all safety matters. Please feel free to stop by and say hello!
There is no storage space available. Students must keep all furniture and personal belongings in their rooms. Students must remove all their possessions from the hall prior to checking out of the hall and are not to leave any belongings with other resident students during summer breaks.
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